Monthly Archives: December 2022

Leverage Social Media To Draw Traffic To Your Website

Social media has evolved from simple online platforms that help people connect with each other to powerful marketing tools that drive traffic to websites. That is because people are now connected to social media like never before, with six billion …

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The Significance Of Chatbot For Your Website

In the recent past, chatbots have become increasingly popular. In fact, the majority of internet consumers (80%) have interacted with a chatbot at some point. This is because most businesses have recognized the immense benefits that chatbots bring to their …

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Why Your Website Needs To Be Mobile Friendly

As technology has evolved, the importance of having a mobile-friendly website has increased, and for a good reason! Mobile devices are all around us, and we use them constantly. In fact, a recent study showed that mobile traffic accounts for …

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Local SEO Strategies To Rank Your Business

As the eCommerce landscape continues to grow more competitive, businesses are increasingly turning to local SEO to stand out from the crowd and get their products in front of the right customers.  This powerful marketing tool helps small businesses reach …

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