Monthly Archives: June 2019

Why Do Small Businesses Need To Invest In Digital Marketing?

The internet has become a crucial aspect of the shopping process that consumers go through. People don’t just buy products online, but also research products while they’re in a brick and mortar store before they make a purchase decision. When …

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What Is SEO Marketing And How It Works For Your Business?

If you’re even partially familiar with modern digital marketing, you might have heard about SEO. It is a fundamental digital marketing technique that benefits businesses of all sizes. However, SEO is often not completely understood. Here’s a brief introduction to …

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3 SEO Mistakes to Avoid During Your Next Website Redesign

Websites tend to have a limited lifespan and need to be redesigned every 3 to 5 years. In this fast-paced world, businesses can’t afford to maintain a website with dated designs and technologies. But a redesign carries its own set …

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5 Ways To Effectively Use Hashtags In Social Media Marketing

Hashtags allow social media users to explore content easily. If they come across a post they like and want to see more content like it, they can click on one of the tags on the post and find what they …

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