Is Your Website Conversion Friendly?

There’s usually a big difference between websites that are successful at converting customers and websites that have typically high bounce rates. Many factors decide whether or not consumers want to spend time (and money) on your site rather than quickly scan it and move on to the next.

The truth is that most customers are going through a quick research process before they purchase off your website — and in this time, they may very well settle on the one that seems easiest for their purpose.

If your site isn’t up to par – that is, if there’s anything standing in the way of people finding what they need quickly — this can not only get in the way of conversions, but it will also affect your website’s overall SEO value.

How can you ensure that your website stays competitive and purposeful when it comes to sales? Here are a few questions to consider.

How does it look?

The main thing you’ll want to consider is the overall architecture, graphic design, and layout of your website. Complex, flashy layouts, for instance, may look great at first glance. But they have the potential to be impractical both in terms of confusing readers and slowing down your site. Basically, if visitors can’t find what they are looking for, you have a problem. In the same way, a site with huge blocks of text and limited interactivity won’t inspire anyone to stay on the page long enough to find out what your business has to offer, so it’s important to find a balance.

You don’t need anything flashy or overly colorful — sometimes a clean, minimalist design is best. The main thing to know is that it’s accessible — that is, readable, easy to understand and easy for people to find their way to their purpose.

What kind of content do you offer?

The content on your website needs to be clear, consistent and purposeful. Each block of text needs to show the viewer something of clear value, and allow them to gain important information about your sales or service.

Including a variety of content such as video, infographics, and other images that are brand consistent can go a long way towards ensuring that people understand your services and product and therefore encouraging sales. But it’s important to use these sparingly and wisely.

What is the overall navigation experience like?

Again, there’s no need to include anything flashy on your website, like ads or videos, as they can not only use up extra bandwidth, but also have the tendency to be distracting. Videos can improve conversions, but you want to use them carefully.

Having overly complicated navigation bars, broken links, long lists of options, or having a site that’s not mobile friendly are all seemingly small things that can really make a difference.

Do you really know your audience?

Having a concrete understanding of not only what your customers are looking for, but also how they’re doing searches and making purchases, is really the key to boosting conversion rates. This can take a little legwork, but a professional web design company can certainly make suggestions in this direction.

These are just a few of many areas that you may want to consider improving, but the situation will be different depending on your industry, business, traffic patterns, conversion tactics, and so on.

Are you looking for web development or website design in Phoenix, AZ? At WSI we understand the importance of balanced, strategic website design. We’ll take special care to ensure that your page elements, colors, and graphics all work together to provide an enjoyable experience for your customers while projecting a professional image for your business.

We specialize in developing conversion friendly and responsive mobile friendly websites. For expert web development in Phoenix, AZ, call us today at 480-467-4435 or get in touch through our website for a free website analysis.

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